God's purposes in Israel?
A recently-produced film 'With God On Our Side' dealing with the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is currently being shown internationally.
A video recording was made of meetings in Dundee, and scenes are now to be given the first public showing in the Highlands with discussion following.
What does God's word say about modern-day Israel and Jews
First public showing of a new video to discuss
the controversial film With God On Our Side
7.30pm Friday, 18 February 2011
Film showing to Dundee audience
A TWO-DAY event in Dundee in November last year saw an Anglican Minister and a American Pentecostal film-maker present a new and controversial film entitled With God On Our Side.
The subject matter was the Israel/Palestinian conflict and Rev. Dr. Stephen Sizer – an Anglican clergyman – along with the film's producer Porter Speakman showed the film and addressed the gatherings from both a political and a theological perspective.
A full showing of the film which questions how Christians should regard the modern state of Israel and the Jewish people was screened in a Dundee hotel to an audience drawn from the general public. On the following day an extract was shown to a group of Christians in a Dundee church: this was followed by a presentation, 'Bible Study' and interactive discussion.
With a view to disseminating these meetings to a wider audience, Nairn-based Thistle Channel TV recorded the events on camera, and as a ‘first showing’ there is now a chance to view an edited version of the video and engage on subsequent discussion on the Bible’s view of Israel and God’s purposes. The showing will include (with permission obtained) an extract of the film 'With God On Our Side'.
In attendance at the showing will be members of a Scottish group called Yachad which has a strong interest in the Israel/Palestine situation.
The following extract shows two scenes from:-
- a public showing of the full film With God on Our Side and
- the subsequent short showing and following 'Bible Study' in St. Peter’s Church, Dundee
Click on arrow above to start video playing.
Seating is limited so if you wish to attend this meeting please -
and give your Name, Tel. No. and Number of Seats required.
Take your Bible: to check out God's Word regarding what He says on the subject.
Some resources will be available at no charge and there will also be opportunity to purchase books and DVDs on the subject of God's dealings with Israel and the Jewish people.
There is no charge for this event but an offering will be uplifted as a contribution to the costs of gathering the material and bringing it to you.
Kessock Mission Hall, North Kessock, by Inverness
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The Mission Hall is situated on the shoreline around 300 yards beyond the North Kessock Hotel and just behind the Dolphin viewpoint and the car-turning area.
Car parking is available on the street and also opposite the hotel.
Post Code for Sat. Nav.
Thistle Channel TV, 03/02/2011