Ian White in Concert in Inverness in 2010
Following a recent appearance at a concert in the Findhorn Foundation, Ian White has been invited by Inverness-based aLive Ministy to give a concert in the city.
Ian White the well-known Scottish singer/songwriter is due to give a concert in an Inverness church next month.
The concert is being organised by Inverness-based aLive Ministry which brought Noel Richards to the Highlands in May of this year. This concert is being held as another opportunity for the local churches and Christian community to come together in fellowship and praise.
Speaking for aLive Ministry, David Maclean has commented:
“I am delighted that Ian has agreed to play a concert in Inverness, he is a worship leader and songwriter who is well known and respected , so I am sure it will be a great evening of worship for folks of all ages."
aLive Ministry are looking to encourage people along and support Ian and the concert and as a help and encouragement for similar events in the future.
The Inverness concert is scheduled as follows:
Friday 12 November 2010
Inshes Church of Scotland, Inverness
Footnote: Ian White performed at a concert in September this year which was held in the Universal Hall within the Findhorn Foundation.
Christians Together, 02/10/2010