The Light Party; an alternative to Halloween
As an alternative to Halloween, Dingwall Baptist Church are hosting a fun-night for Primary-age children with a clown, games and optional fancy dress.
Annette Maclean of Dingwall Baptist Church says:
 Flyers have gone out to all our previous summer mission attendees but could you please help spread the word by inviting or advertising where relevant. I have attached two PDF files, one has 4 x A6 flyers and the other is poster size, could you display a poster in your window, take one to a local shop or hand out some flyers?Perhaps you could mention it to friends, neighbours, grandchildren or anyone else you think might be interested in coming along for a really good night of circus themed fun. Bubbles the Clown (aka David Dunn) will be there performing his tricks and also including a gospel presentation for the children. There will be lots of great activities and it’s suitable mainly for Primary Children (though we will accommodate nursery aged children who are known to us at the church).
Click here for A6 fliers (on an A4 page).
Click here for A4 poster.
Dingwall Baptist Church, 22/10/2009