Return visit by Kul Bal; a man with a great heart
Kul Bal is a committed Christian with a ministry of evangelism and healing. Coming from a Sikh/Hindu background he is a man with a great passion and enthusiasm for the Gospel, and he is making a return visit to Inverness.
Sunday, 18 and Monday 19 October, 2009

The above meetings are being hosted by Inverness Christian Fellowship and Pastor Ian Ross says:
Pastor Ian Ross and Kul Bal in 2007
We are much looking forward to having Pastor Kul Bal with us. Kul is a man of great faith who possesses an infectious and consuming passion for the things of God. He is also a 'larger than life' character with a great sense of humour.
Kul has an amazing story to share of how the Lord rescued him through a time of heart breaking grief out of alcoholism and into Christ. He is based in Melbourne, Australia, but came to faith in Christ whilst he lived in Aberdeen and served as an assistant pastor with the Elim Pentecostal church there, and he also lived in Inverness prior to his conversion. Back in August 2007 Kul came to Inverness for a Sunday night event. We were gripped as he told his story how he came to Christ from Hinduism, through the death of his baby twins, and through the struggle with a drink problem. He then went on to speak from Exodus 3 about 'supernatural happenings in natural places'. He described how he had seen God work miracles in every day places, even in Pizza Huts!
As he concluded his message he led the congregation in prayer for healing. There was a hush as he asked people to share if they had been healed. Suddenly the silence was broken with a woman's voice as she walked towards the front. Annie had been walking very uncomfortably with the aid of a stick but now she could walk without the stick and the pain was gone! Others then began to share of how their back had been healed, or breathing difficulties had been corrected. It was a great evening, and one that we will not forget in a hurry!
Kul Bal is due to speak at the ICF church meeting on the Sunday evening (and those whose churches don't have evening services of their own are warmly invited) and then on the Monday evening at the Beaufort Hotel as detailed above.
ICF/Christians Together, 14/10/2009