Click on a headline to read the full story.
An MP from Northern Ireland has been reported to the police for expressing her religious beliefs on homosexual practice.
There is a "witch hunt" against Christians who declare their beliefs on homosexual practice, says the Ulster MP reported to police for expressing the Bible's teaching on sexual ethics.
Includes audio A former homosexual has leapt to the defence of Iris Robinson MP and under-fire psychiatrist, Dr Paul Miller, saying therapy helped him leave his gay life.
Gordon Brown's Government is discriminating against Christianity in favour of other religions, says an official Church of England report.
A Roman Catholic adoption agency which only places children with married couples is refusing to cave in under pressure from new homosexual discrimination laws.
A Christian pastor in Canada has been fined $7,000 and told he must stop expressing his views on homosexuality in public.
The columnist Mark Steyn is at the centre of a free speech court case in Canada because a magazine published part of his book on Islam.
Divorce and family breakdown have left millions of elderly men leading unhappy and isolated lives, a charity has warned.
A man started to show signs of life just as transplant surgeons were about to harvest his organs, it was disclosed yesterday.
A Bristol teenager died after a drug-induced abortion left part of her six week-old foetus inside her, an inquest has heard.
A high court decision to let a multiple sclerosis sufferer review the law on assisted suicide could be a move towards legal euthanasia.
A process used to decide which IVF embryos should be implanted and which should be destroyed could be reducing the chance of a successful pregnancy, scientists say.
Yours in Christ,
 Colin Hart Director The Christian Institute