
23rd Annual Festival of Praise and After Church Rally by

Inverness and District Male Voice Choir

Festival of Praise -
7.00pm (Free North Church - Saturday)

After Church Rally -
8.00pm (East Church - Sunday)
Male Voice Choir

Ed footnote: Back in 2001 at the time of the foot and mouth crisis the Choir recorded a tape of comfort in song and messages for the beleaguered farmers and their families. You can listen to it here.

Christians Together, 04/06/2008

GOD CARES - Hymns and Words for Farmers Male Voice Choir
This is a recording made by Inverness and District Gospel Male Voice Choir in 2001 during the last major agricultural crisis. It contains choral and solo singing; prayers and spoken messages. The speaker is Rev. George Mitchell, then pastor of Inverness Baptist Church. It is stongly advised to download the file and listen to it off-line; rather than attempt to listen in "streaming" mode. It is not suitable for low-speed (dial-up) connections.
Downloads: 2712
Length: 53 minutes
Listen Download MP3 Audio (128Kbps, 39.9MB)

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Christians Together in the Highlands and Islands > Archive > Music, Praise, Worship > Festival of Praise and After Church Rally