Day of Prayer in the Inverness CYC/YMCA
Tommie Mackay of Inverness CYC / YMCA writes:
Here is a date for you diaries; further publicity will follow in a couple of weeks
Day of Prayer in the CYC, Bank Street, Inverness on Thursday, 5 June, 2008
Theme of the day - "Uniting to keep it simple"
10am till 2.00pm 6.30pm till 9.00pm
There will be 5 main prayer points:-
- The work and outreach of the YM
- The Church in Inverness praying especially for the Churches without ministers
- The outreaches in the city YI, YFC, Healing on the streets,
- Camps, SU
- Mission field and Future outreaches like tent mission
This list is not exclusive and if you wish to add to the list then please e-mail and i will add to the list.Additionally there will be an opportunity for personal prayer. We would ask that each congregation would have a minimum (there is no maximum) of four members to attend the day at some point, and it would be good if they could be togethersay for 10min or 60min; that's up to you.Tea or Coffee will be provided free of chargePlease do not hesitate to e-mail me or Tel./text 0785.337.6078Tommie Mackay
Tommie Mackay, 13/05/2008