
Google taken to task by Christian Institute  

GoogleInternet giant, Google, best known for its search engine, is facing legal action in British courts because it will not allow adverts for websites which contain "abortion and religious-related content".

The well-known company blocked a pro-life ad for The Christian Institute's website,, because it is a "religious" website. Lawyers for the Institute say this is unlawful discrimination.

Former Conservative minister Anne Widdecombe has spoken out against Google's actions and the story is causing a backlash amongst internet users around the world and is also attracting wide media coverage.

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Christians Together, 10/04/2008

john gamble (Guest) 13/04/2008 14:24
I am pleased the C I are taking action against google. I think the time is long past when we should remain silent when we see blatant discrimination IF WE DO NOT TAKE ACTION AND SPEAK OUT WE WILL CONTINUE TO BE PRESSURISED AND WE WILL EVENTUALLY LOSE THE RIGHT TO SPEAK OUT. THE DEVIL KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT HE IS DOING. Wether we are facing commercial powerful influenecs like Google or Secular Goverments like our own

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Christians Together in the Highlands and Islands > Archive > Around the Region > Wider News > Google taken to task by Christian Institute