Christian Life 

 The EU - the nature of the beast

The European Union can be analysed and debated from a variety of different perspectives - political, historical, cultural, economic. But it is only from a spiritual perspective that it can be  truly understood.
first published 13/12/07

 by Watchman

Strasbourg buildingEU In the aftermath of the second world war, political leaders - the prime movers being France and Germany - made the initial moves to create what is now know as the European Union. And the succession of names given to the growing alliance illustrates the progression in geographic, economic and political scope from the late 1940s until the present day.
  • The European Coal and Steel Community The ECSC was formed in 1950 and this act of bringing coal and steel - as the means of production and the raw materials for the machineries of war " - under one roof" was seen as a way of preventing future European conflict. The six founders were France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. However the scope of the ECSC was set to expand to become -
  • The European Economic Community (EEC - or "Common Market) The Treaty of Rome was signed in 1957, and this treaty formalised both the geographic enlargement that has since progressed, but also the huge expansion of scope to cover most spheres of commerce and industry. The term EEC was very quickly replaced by -
  • The European Community (EC). By dropping the word "economic" from its title the EEC (EC) takes an authority over all areas of life. In turn the term "community" was then replaced to become  -
  • The European Union (EU). Through a succession of boundary enlargements, the "Union" now includes countries from the former Soviet Union (FSU).

Successive boundary enlargements

In 1973 the European Communities were joined by Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom, followed by Greece in 1981, Spain and Portugal in 1986, Austria, Finland and Sweden in 1995.

In May 2004, the European Union expanded into Central and Eastern Europe. Ten new countries joined the EU: Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.

Bulgaria and Romania joined this year (2007), while Croatia and Turkey are also candidates.

So what started in the late 1940s as an alliance of 6 countries (nation/states) relating to the coal and steel industries has progressed to become something far beyond its beginnings. 
(For an overview of the geographic expansion <click here>.)

The Lisbon Treaty - 13 December 2007

The treaty signed on 13 December 2007 is a replacement for the failed Constitution which was rejected by the French and the Dutch in 2005; and - amongst other things - creates the permanent post of President of the European Union and a de-facto office of EU Foreign Secretary. Most European leaders acknowledge that the main substance of the constitution will be preserved.
(For more detailed information <click here>.)

Tower of Babel
Brueghel's painting of the Tower of Babel

The Empire of Europe - Babel reborn?

Babel2Whilst there are markedly different views on the philosophies under-pinning the formation, expansion and role of the EU, there will be very few, on both sides of the debate who will disagree with the use of the term "super-state" to describe what the EU has now become. What we are witnessing is the creation of a latter-day european empire.
Supporters see european integration as creating the climate for peace and prosperity. Others think differently.

Initially created in an attempt to prevent european conflict many now feel that the EU - in what it has now become - sets the scene and creates the conditions for future strife.
From a biblical perspective, many Christians - supported by the EU's determination to exclude reference to God from its failed constitution - feel that what is apparent is an end-time manifestation of the spirit of Babel.

According to the BBC the European Parliament building in Strasbourg incorporates a unique sound and lighting system which will cause the dome of the parliament chamber to light up as the volume (noise level) of discussions rises. The BBC report states: A lighting system made up of optical fibres is installed like a constellation around the dome of the amphitheatre, blinking more or less intensely according to the sound level of the parliamentary debates.

Ed footnote: What do we make of all of this? Answers on a postcard; or by hitting the "Comment" button below.

Watchman, 24/05/2016

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Editor 21/01/2008 17:52
"The [Lisbon Treaty]...involves an important constitutional transfer of powers from the European nations to the European institutions, from national democracy to supra-national bureaucracy

See - William Rees-Mogg
Alasdair Moodie (Guest) 28/01/2008 00:34
A good friend passed information about the website which shows that there is a mood in the UK to challenge the Gov's deafness. I recommend the reading there and adding your momentum to the campaign. If this board allows me to paste then you can read about the 'Send a donation' part - which is important to all campaigns, including the Scottish Christian Party that I support as well:-

If adopted, the Constitutional Treaty would be self-amending. It would mean that in future new powers could be transfered to the EU without the need for any more new treaties. Further powers could be simply transferred gradually to the EU, with no public debate.
In other words - this could be our last ever chance to have a say on the future of the EU. We must not miss it.
Our campaign cannot succeed without your support.

I Want a Referendum will rely entirely on individual donations for all its activities.
Your support will help fund campaign literature, adverts, and campaign costs and will help us to build a robust nationwide campaign to put major pressure on the Government.
We are a small, lean team. Anything you give will be greatly appreciated, and will help us make the Government give us the referendum which they promised.
If you would like to help by donating to the campaign, please choose one of the following options:

Pay Pal:
We accept donations by credit card or paypal transfer, simply click below:

Cheque: Please make your cheque payable to ‘I Want a Referendum’ and send to: I Want a Referendum, 7 Tufton Street, London, SW1P 3QN. Please let us know your address so we can write and thank you.

Thank you. We cannot win without your generous support.
EU watcher (Guest) 06/04/2008 22:16
If ever proof was neeeded that the democracy of this country and the autonomy and power of the UK government has been overthrown by the EU it can be seen in the inability of elected Highland councillors to prevent a sectatian march which they did not want through the streets of the city this weekend.
Newswatcher (Guest) 13/05/2008 20:05

The European Union is continuing its expansion with plans to form a new entity called the Union for the Mediterranean. The Union for the Mediterranean is an international community made up of EU member states and countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. The potential members include Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, the Palestinian Territories, and much of northern Africa. The new union will be established at a summit scheduled to take place in Paris this summer.

The Union for the Mediterranean was put forward by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who is strongly opposed to Turkey's EU bid. The new union was first proposed as a means by which the EU could avoid granting Turkey full membership status in the European community. However Turkey has refused to participate unless it is given a guarantee that the Mediterranean Union would not be viewed as an alternative to EU membership. Despite the controversy surrounding Turkey, and some disagreement between France and Germany over membership, it would appear that plans for the Mediterranean Union are on track.

Europa Rising

The strategic geopolitical horizon of past half-century has been dominated by two superpowers: the United States and the USSR. But it is becoming clear that the two dominant powers of the next half-century apparently will be China in the east and the "new Europe" in the west. Over the last fifty years the European Union has emerged as a growing world power. The EU now encompasses more than 460 million people, stretching from the Arctic to the Mediterranean and east all the way to the Black Sea.

Europe's leaders are working hard to create a stronger, more-centralized Europe. In 2007, the European community welcomed two new member states: Romania and Bulgaria. It also expanded the border free zone and announced plans to merge its overseas embassies. In December, Europe's leaders signed the historic EU reform treaty, also called the Treaty of Lisbon. If all goes as planned the treaty will be ratified by member states next year and will enter into force on January 1, 2009. (The Treaty of Lisbon is essentially the same as the failed EU constitution, but this time around its fate will not rest in the hands of the people.)

Efforts to create a stronger Europe seem to be working. The EU has surpassed the United States to become the "world's biggest" economy. The combined gross domestic product of the 15 countries which use the euro overtook that of the United States in 2007. This is due in large part to the decline of the value of the US dollar. This past year Europe eclipsed the US in stock market value for the first time since the first World War, and economists say that the Euro could eventually take the place of the dollar as the world's primary reserve currency.

See -
Editor 21/05/2008 19:30
European court to hear chimpanzee's plea for human rights.
John Parker (Guest) 01/07/2008 11:51
If the UN was ever to consider moving against undemocratic, unrepresentative, self-interested, dictatorial and oppressive regimes which run their own agendas and suppress public dissent then Robert Mugabe should have much less to fear than the officials, representatives, afficionados and politicians of that latter-day outfit which is commonly termed the European Union.
EU Watcher (Guest) 10/07/2008 11:17
What a hypocrisy. The EU has called for free and open elections in Zimbabwe, but meanwhile the EU ploughs on in total disregard of the recent (negative) vote by the Irish people on the Lisbon Treaty which is (in the de facto sense) the earlier Constitution which was voted down by other countries (see quote below).

All the EU does is keeps requiring people to vote until (by subterfuge, spin and covert presssure) the EU gets what it wants.

"Public opinion will be led to adopt, without knowing it, the proposals that we dare not present to them directly ... All the earlier proposals will be in the new text, but will be hidden and disguised in some way."
- Former French President V.Giscard D'Estaing, Le Monde, 14 June 2007
Newswatcher (Guest) 28/07/2008 21:21
Shetland Isle leaves the EU.
EU Watcher (Guest) 30/07/2008 14:42
It seems that computer hacker Gary McKinnon plans to take his extradition battle to the European Court after the House of Lords refused his final appeal in the UK. This case, amongst others, will surely show who REALLY governs our country.

'King Nebuchadnezzar, to you it is declared: "sovereignty has been removed from you."'
(Daniel 4:31)
EU Watcher (Guest) 07/10/2008 10:04
It seems that the much-trumpeted European unity which is only skin deep, and the financial crisis is exposing the fundamental self-interest of nations with Angela Merkel leading the charge to support Germany's banks in a fashion which cuts right across European Central Bank policy.

At the end of the day, in the secular world at individual and national level, when real problems arise it's "every man for himself."
And it's precisely this dynamic which has historically led to wars as fragile pacts and agreement fracture and split along underlying fault lines.
It is interesting to note that while there are umpteen mechanisms for countries to join the EU, there are no developed means for a country to secede i.e. easy entrance, very difficult exit; the tactic of loan sharks et al.
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Christians Together in the Highlands and Islands > Christian Life > Christians and Politics > The EU - the nature of the beast?