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Christians Together
Nanotechnology and Eschatology
Professor Daniel Broudy outlines how advancing techology is increasingly setting the scene for end-time scenarios.
staggering pace of technological advances suggest that we are now rushing every faster towards the fulfilment of end-time prophecies.
Professor Daniel Broudy lectures in a Christian university in Okinawa. In his presentation he speaks on the intersections between what we see emerging in our world and the scenarios outlined for us in the Word of God.
Daniel was one of the main speakers at an '
Omniwar' Symposium
in late 2024. He spoke then of "new forms of technocratic control over humans and the assumptions that cast humans as animals whose numbers must be moderated, manipulated and managed by the owners of the world." In this latest talk he covers how injectable nano-scale pharmaceuticals and brain-computer interfaces might be the primary means of achieving the 'internet of bio-nano things'.
See presentation below
(concludes with a QnA session)
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Article printed from at 03:45 on 18 January 2025