Past; Present; Future: 2020 - 2023 - 20XX

Where have we been? Where are we now? What lies ahead? A conference to look at the issues.

The video of the conference is now available and can be viewed here.
April 2023 conference The last three years have been a whirlwind and we are now living in the New Normal. Yet even the New Normal is evolving.
Back in 2020 a relatively small group of Christians scattered across the UK linked up over the summer of 2020 and - along with some others whom the Lord brought along - hosted an online conference in March 2021. It was entitled 'Navigating the Pandemic Fog'. The programme of the NTPF conference can be found here. It gives an outline of the subject matters discussed. The video can also be accessed here.

Since then the organising group has continued to meet weekly for fellowship and to share information which is generally not available from the mainstream/legacy/social media. As so much has been happening and with many very significant events pending it was thought worthwhile to host another similar online event on Saturday, 29 April, 2023 The image is of a PDF document which can be accessed here.

Although the Zoom link to the conference is available by clicking on the image on this page, a reminder will be sent out to all members of the ChristiansTogether website on the morning of the conference.
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