'Big Ticket' prayer points for the UK (and beyond?)
...and the vital importance of discerning the will of God in corporate intercession.
Praying regularly in a small intimate group with fellow believers whom we know well is a great blessing indeed: but what happens when – on very important issues – there are differing views? When asked by one of his disciples, “teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1) Jesus answered in what has since become known as ‘The Lord’s Prayer’. (In fact it should be more correctly called ‘The Disciples’ Prayer’.) And so we pray: “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Luke 11:2 KJV).
It’s a great prayer; but it can sometimes be employed as a ‘catch all’ petition with little thought and even less spiritual discernment behind the plea. But surely we are called to pray in an ‘informed’ manner; in the will of the Lord as revealed by His Word and His Spirit?
Differing views
At the time preceding the vote in the UK on whether or not to leave the European Union, a group of mature Christian leaders who had met and prayed together for a period of years found that they were at odds in their opinions on that major yes/no issue of great spiritual import.
Accordingly, this situation revealed a serious problem: in fact it highlighted more than one serious problem.
First of all it showed that half (let’s say) of the grouping were – in terms of God’s will – right; and the other half wrong.
The God we serve and pray to is not double-minded: nor does the Holy Spirit speak with a forked tongue. |
Leaving aside the issue itself, it would therefore also seem that a substantial number of ‘leaders’ were not in fact hearing from the Lord. Indeed in the particular situation it appeared that some supported their views with reference to socio-political/economic rationale and personal leanings than on God-given spiritual direction.
The God we serve and pray to is not double-minded: nor does the Holy Spirit speak with a forked tongue. Jesus instructed in his ‘Revelation’ letters to the seven churches,
“Let he who has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches” (Rev. 2:7 ff).
And so too today. It is therefore incumbent on us to discern the will of God so we can pray into the will of God, that indeed God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
But how do we – collectively in the case of communal prayer – hear from God? How do we, at any one moment or on any one issue know for certain how to pray? On issues on which the Word of God gives no clear direction, one very important means of discerning the mind of God is to share our thoughts with one another and then hold these views before the Lord in prayer for the Holy Spirit’s affirmation (or not).
Major spiritual issues in our day and age
In our present day there are major spiritual issues facing the United Kingdom and the world beyond.
The nature of the issues and the respective views listed below are shared by a number of spiritually mature and discerning Christian believers who feel the need to recognise and pray regarding: -
The extreme danger – political, physical, societal and supremely, spiritual – of a totalitarian, often extremely violent ideology which operates on the foundation of an anti-Christian and anti-Semitic religious belief system.
The extreme danger of the continuing and strenuous efforts to totally subvert and distort the God-given model for marriage and personal identity; and to outrageously abuse and corrupt the minds of even the youngest children through indoctrination (masquerading as 'education').
The sexual abuse of, and the attacks upon infants, older children and adults.
The anti-God spirit resident in the heart of the European experiment which seeks to enslave and dominate every country under its control.
The universal and enduring racial and religious hatred of the Jewish people and the land of Israel.
The dark spirit behind nationalism in Scotland (and perhaps elsewhere) which would seek the breakup of the United Kingdom as a (unwritten) constitutional monarchy i.e. the ‘Queen in Parliament’ as a reigning monarch who is in sworn allegiance to the ultimate authority of God.
The increasing suppression and criminalisation of free speech through the legal system, and the outlawing of expressions of the Christian faith in both public bodies and private enterprise.
The attacks on the sanctity of life; principally at both ends of the age spectrum.
The profanity, immorality, perversion and violence which are regular features of television, video and electronic media.
The corruption, greed and illicit behaviour which continues to be exposed (but also covered-up) in many areas of life including the main pillars of society.
For meaningful fellowship in corporate prayer there needs to be a consensus on all major topics amongst any group of believers.
Do these views reflect the mind of God in this present hour and generation? Can those who regularly pray together find a corporate "Amen" regarding these points? If not, how meaningful is that prayer fellowship?
1. The above points have been developed in consultation with a number of spiritually-discerning prayerful believers. The list could be much longer but these are posited as being issues of prime importance in consensual prayer.
2. It is hoped to do a 'sister' article regarding issues within the church, so any responses should be restricted to issues within the nation.
3. The response facility (below) can be used by Christian believers to express any thoughts on the above. (Comments from other sources are liable to be removed.)
4. Bona fide responses can be made using a pseudonym if so desired, but the writer should make themselves known to the Editor by private e-mail.