Britain's Last Mandate (post Brexit)

David Davies, speaking in 2006, outlined what he felt God was saying to him regarding a principal responsibility for Britain. He spoke also of us living in "A Season of 'Sudden'".

Originally published 2006

Ed preface:The following is a preamble to a message given almost 20 years ago by David Davis the founder/leader of a church on Mount Carmel is Israel. It is perhaps increasingly relevant in our post-Brexit environment.
David and Karen Davies
David DavisIn September 2006 David Davies, an American now domiciled in Israel and leading a church in Mount Carmel, gave an address of the Birmingham Christian Centre. His message concerned the role which Britain historically played as a ‘Cyrus’ nation in the Middle East.
King Cyrus was as we know a Gentile ruler who was used by God to facilitate the return of the Jewish people to their land at the time of the Babylonian captivity.

In a similar manner Britain, during the First World War, issued the Balfour Declaration in 1917. This statement outlined the UK government's desire and intent to see a modern state of Israel established in the land covered by the mandate given to the UK by the League of Nations. (The latter being the forerunner to the United Nations.)

However at the end of the Second World War and faced with Arab hostility to the plan, Britain backtracked on its previous promises. Indeed British troops were instructed and used to prevent Jewish Holocaust survivors repatriating to Israel and sent them back to the very concentration comes from which they had fled.
Map of Israel in the World001
Following that time, and perhaps even because of its actions then, Britain lost its empire. It is an infamous part of a history of which we the British Isles might feel called to repent. However, and notwithstanding our actions then, David Davies believes that Britain still has a place and a part to play in the latter-day purposes of God concerning the Jewish people.
The talk is entitled ‘Britain's Last Mandate’ and has been received by church leaders has been very significant for the days in which we now live.

 Britains' Last Mandate

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Postscript: In his address, Davis outlines how God has previously used the British Isles for his purposes and talks of how we are living in 'A Season of Sudden’”. If this was true in 2006 when the recording was made, how much more is it true of our present day 17 years on?

Footnote: The above message is one hour long and can be downloaded by clicking on the 'down arrow' link.

Update: May 2017
David Davis went home to the Lord in 2017. The following tribute has been placed on the Kehilat HaCarmel website -

In May 2017, after a long period of illness, David went to be with the Lord whom he loved and served with all his heart.  He will be remembered as a prophetic voice on Mt. Carmel and a man of great compassion for the lost.  The foundation he helped to lay during his 25 years serving as Senior Pastor will continue to support the growth of our community into the future. His two books, The Road to Carmel and The Elijah Legacy, now translated into multiple languages, also continue to inspire and challenge the body of Messiah worldwide. The family of Kehilat HaCarmel and the thousands whose lives he touched are forever grateful for the time he spent with us.  

The Balfour Declaration

A Call to Repentance
British Mandate for Palestine
Destiny of Britain
God, the Jews and Israel

David Davis, 13/10/2023