Church planting amongst Muslim communities

The following letter brings news of the Gospel being shared through ministry amongst Muslim and Hindu communities, including points for prayer.

Ed. preface: All identification details which would endanger those involved have been removed from the following letter (sent 04/01/15). It is otherwise published 'as received'.


Indian worshippersDear Pastor,

Greetings to you in Jesus’ name!

We are very glad to share with you that how our dear Lord Jesus Christ is answering the prayers that you have prayed for us & ministry among Muslims & also Hindus for His own glory. Thanks for your kind love, prayers and concerns towards us and ministry.


** Friday Unit:  There were more than 100 men & women including kids attended at Christmas fellowship which our dear believer brothers & sisters from Muslim background had organized at their own village for the first time in  their lives. Several Muslims have shown their interest to know more about Jesus and expressed their desire to attend more like this type of fellowship in near future.  The believers are very encouraged by God’s wonderful work in and through their lives.

** Sunday Unit: There were more than 400 people (men, women & children) attended and celebrated the birth of Jesus. We have conducted Christmas service on both floor of our building, but several people could not fit into the two floors, they were standing outside of the building. Praise The Lord!

** We also conducted New Year service and more than 169 people attended and enjoyed to worship Jesus, The Saviour of the world. There are huge numbers of young men & women are attending at our Sunday worship services (Sunday worship services specifically for Hindu background believers and Hindu friends).

A FEW PRAYER POINTS: Please pray along with us……………

** For at least 1000 people from Hindu background (men, women & their family members) may attend at our Sunday worship services. At present approx. 200 people are regularly attending at Sunday worship services.

** For at least 500 people (men & their family members) from Muslim background may attend at our Friday worship services. At present, there are few numbers of strong committed believers along with their family members are attending at Friday worship services & few other House Churches in different villages / places by His grace. We are praying to open few more House Churches at new villages / places.

** For the believers from Muslim background at our fellowship those who are continuously facing threats from the Radical Muslim group. Pray for God’s protection and of His grace upon their lives.

** For God’s provision to support more Gospel Workers to start more House Churches & fellowships among the Muslims at different new villages / places. Few committed Brothers has shown their great interest to work along with us and start to spread The Gospel of Christ to the Muslims and plants House Churches for Him.

** For God’s guidance & protection for Chanda Bibi & her family and few other new believers who has shown their great interest to attend at House Church fellowship. Radical Muslims are trying to harm them physically and stop them to mingle with our dear believers.

** For all our different types of ministry & social activities such as health care ministries, free tuition to the poor students, feeding to the poor children, rice distribution to the poor widows, clothes distribution, education support to the poor students.

Once again, thanks for your continuous prayers & supports for us & ministry.

B and A

Indian Pastor, 07/01/2015