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Christians Together

Halal or Horse: what are we eating?

With the recent scandal surrounding the unwitting purchase of horsemeat in food products, the issue of food labelling is again on the agenda.

HorseAt the time of the public debate around supermarkets selling Halal meat Stephen Green of Christian Voice produced a video outlining the issues surrounding the Muslim rituals relating to the slaughter of animals for human consumption. In his analysis he suggests that the method of killing the animals is not the issue: rather it is the dedication of the animal to the Muslim god of Allah, and the spiritual implications inherent in the process.

It remains to be seen whether or not the 'horse meat' controversy will result in more stringent labelling standards with relation to food products destined for human consumption. The issues surrounding what is, or what may not be, acceptable to eat with a clear conscience raises questions regarding the applicability of Old Testament laws and New Testament principles.

Caveat: This video was produced in November 2010 and contact information which it contains may now be dated.


See also: 'Tesco reluctant to give Halal refund'.


The Editor, 18/03/2013

Article printed from at 13:21 on 16 July 2024