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Potential for war in Israel

The escalating rocket attacks from the Gaza has put both Hamas and Israel into a difficult position. Neither is looking for a full-blown war; but both are having their arms twisted.

by Stratfor
Hamas rocketsIsrael on Wednesday launched the biggest military operation in the Gaza Strip since Operation Cast Lead in late 2008. Israeli airstrikes killed Ahmed al-Jabari, the chief of the Izz al-Deen al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, the Palestinian Islamist movement that rules the Palestinian territory. Israeli warplanes also struck other Hamas military leaders and attacked facilities that housed the group's arsenal of longer-range rockets and missiles.

Israel Defense Forces are also preparing for a potential ground offensive, but the country's political leaders say that such a move will depend on Hamas' intentions. Even as it escalates its military actions, Israel is clearly trying to avoid a repeat of Operation Cast Lead. That operation took place before widespread regional unrest unseated a number of Arab rulers who were in a position to subdue their countries' citizens.

Egypt, the region's most critical state as concerns Israel's security, best illustrates the changed political landscape around Israel. President Mohammed Morsi is a senior member of the world's oldest and largest Islamist movement, the Muslim Brotherhood; Hamas is the successor to the Brotherhood's Palestinian branch. Israel is already struggling to manage the rise of Islamists in the wake of the demise of secular Arab autocrats. It certainly doesn't want to exacerbate its difficulties with an offensive in Gaza.

That said, Israel won't tolerate rocket fire from Gaza -- especially expanded rocket capability in the form of the Fajr 5, a new long-range missile that the Israelis claim to have targeted in their airstrikes. Israel has to take action to protect its citizenry. It needs to make sure that the Arab Spring allows neither Hamas nor other, more radical factions in Gaza connected to al Qaeda or Iran to become capable of threatening Israeli security.

Hamas also has no interest in picking a fight with Israel, especially after Cast Lead, which devastated the Palestinian territory and Hamas. On the contrary, Hamas wishes to benefit from the Arab Spring in the same way its Muslim Brotherhood comrades in Egypt have. Ultimately, Hamas wishes to be recognized internationally as a legitimate political entity ruling the Gaza strip.
Hamas would like to use the Arab Spring and the decline of its secular rival Fatah as springboards to emerge as the vanguard of Palestinian nationalism. But even as it seeks to enter the political mainstream, Hamas must contend with fundamental geopolitical realities -- including the fact that it does not have a monopoly over violence in the Gaza Strip.
Hamas' rival factions run the gamut from the pro-Iranian Palestinian Islamic Jihad to Salafist-Jihadist groups linked to an al Qaeda-inspired agenda. All these groups seek to undermine Hamas' influence. What will happen is this: Rival Palestinian factions will stage rocket attacks. This may happen with the assistance of hawkish elements of Hamas who do not agree with the leadership's agenda. This will create a dilemma for Hamas.

On the one hand, Hamas doesn't wish to engage Israel militarily. But on the other, it cannot always remain constrained in the face of Israeli countermeasures, Hamas rules Gaza but lacks the ability to control the area's different faction, which means that, like it or not, a potential war with Israel is on the horizon.

Ed footnote:
The Third Jihad is a book-title. The term captures what is happening in the wake of the 9/11 attack on the United States and more recently the uprisings of the 'Arab Spring'.
Historically there has been two major expansions of Islam. One into Western Europe (ultimately repulsed at the Battle of Tours in 731AD) and then another almost 1000 years later into Eastern Europe. The latter was ultimately defeated at the gates of Vienna in 1683. What we are seeing now is 'Islam on a roll'. We are now in a new (and final?) phase of a very old war.

The battle for Israel and Jerusalem is ultimately a spiritual one and designed to thwart God's end-time purposes. It will continue and will, in whatever precise form and timescale, continue to escalate. The Bible tells us so. If ultimately Jesus' feet will stand on the Mount of Olives we cannot expect otherwise.

 Israel in the Eternal Purposes of God 

Stratfor/Christians Together, 15/11/2012

Article printed from at 15:04 on 16 July 2024