Good Friday Silent Witness in Inverness 2012

It is a Good Friday tradition which has developed over several years for Christian believers to stand during an hour of 'Silent Witness' around a wooden cross in Inverness city centre as testimony to Christ's death and resurrection.


Good Friday Silent Witness in Inverness

Inverness City Centre
Junction of High Street and Inglis Street

Friday, 6 April, 2012


11am - 1.00pm



You are warmly invited to come and stand for a while - as long as you choose – along with fellow Christians and amidst local city shoppers to bear witness to the saving power of Jesus Christ. The Witness period runs from 11.00am to 12noon and you can come and leave as you are able. There is no requirement to stand for the whole hour.

On one occasion a little boy was overheard asking his Mum to explain what it all meant. Meanwhile at another moment a young girl broke away from her friends to stand for a while in offering her thanks to God for answering her prayer to help her stop self-harming. Read the report of the 2010 Silent Witness.

The video below shows clips from the most recent Silent Witness (2011) with the 'hour' forming a spiritual input into an otherwise everyday scene of High Street activities and shoppers.

 Silent Witness 2012 
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Silent WitnessFootnote:

This will be the first Good Friday Witness since the homecall of Rev. Canon Martyn Bateman who was a staunch supporter of so much Christian activity in the area and well beyond.

The picture shows Martyn engaging with some who stopped to ask questions about what it was all about.

A 'tribute' article has been written whnich includes a short video prepared from various years of Silent Witness which includes shots of Martyn and his widow Jancis.

 Good Friday Silent Witness 2012 

Christians Together, 31/03/2012