A situation; a request

A recent letter to Christians Together sets out a situation and makes a request. Perhaps you can help; or maybe you are in the same situation.

Lost sheepEd preface: The following is an extract from a letter just recently received. It illustrates a situation facing an increasing number of believers.

If anyone can offer some 'sign-posting' then that will be much appreciated. If anyone is in the same situation then please feel free to be in touch. (Confidentiality will be respected.)

Dear Christians Together,

I myself at the moment am churchless.
I am looking for a church that believes what the bible says. Not what they think it says.

Gay marriages and preachers are not what God approves of.
No matter what some people may think it is not in line with what God says in HIS WORD.
 I sometimes wonder if some Preachers ever read the Bible???
The church and nation that stands with Israel pleases God
As we are in the end times and many of the prophesies
that Jesus spoke about are happening before our eyes you would think at least the church would see the light..????
So do you know of such a church?

Inverness areaFootnote:

Requests of this kind are becoming much more common: they come not from 'church-hoppers' looking for 'the perfect church' but from committed believers

Thismap roughly outlines the area from which the request comes. While it is generally much better if a believer can find a church in his/her own community there are many who are unable to find a spiritual home where they live.

It is hoped shortly to have an article which tackles the above problem, but meanwhile one of the 'much accessed' articles on Christians Together is the one which outlines some important characteristics of believers meeting together: it is entitled 'What to look for in a church'.

Any responses in relation to the above request should be sent to the Editor ( editor<at sign>christianstogether.net )

As a 'PS' it is interesting to note that one fairly-new group of believers has its main meeting on a Tuesday.

 Wider area  


Letter to Christians Together, 24/10/2011