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US denomination ordains first gay minister

The US Presbyterian Church has ordained its first gay minister last Saturday. Twenty years after he had to leave his Presbyterian ministry in California, Scott Anderson was ordained in the Covenant Presbyterian Church in Madison, Wisconsin.

According to a report in Fox News, Scott Anderson, 56, was ordained in the Covenant Presbyterian Church in Madison, Wis., more than 20 years after leaving his Presbyterian church in California after telling his congregation he was gay. At that time, the Presbyterian Church in the U.S. barred homosexuals from serving as ministers

Last year, however, the National Assembly of the Presbyterian Church voted to remove the ban.

Before revealing his homosexuality, Anderson served as a minister in a Presbyterian ministry in Sacramento, Calif. from 1983 until 1990. He came out to his congregation and resigned after a couple threatened to reveal his sexual orientation.

There have, however, been rumblings that by ordaining Anderson, there is likely to be a split in the Presbyterian church. Tom Hay, director of operations for the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) told the Huffington Post that he did expect it to happen.

"The Episcopalians, the Lutherans, the United Church of Christ have all made this step and all have experienced losses," he is quoted as saying.  Read full report....

Christians Together, 10/10/2011

Article printed from at 12:24 on 16 July 2024