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Christians Together

Great response to BeBe Vox in Caithness

BeBe Vox took Caithness by storm last week with her singing and dancing performances to just under 1000 people at concerts in Thurso and Wick

report by Kenny Cormack

BeBeDuring the week she spent in Caithness BeBe Vox performed in primary school assemblies for over 1500 pupils at Miller Academy, Mount Pleasant, Pennyland, Castletown, Hillhead, Pulteneytown Academy, Wick North, Wick South and Keiss. Singer Chip Kendall also performed at assemblies in Halkirk and Lybster primary schools to over 200 pupils.

BeBe had been invited north by Christians from various different churches and denominations who were working together to promote Christian children’s clubs and youth work in the area and to build bridges with the schools..

BeBe received a tremendous response to her pop style of singing and dancing from pupils and staff at every school with everyone enthusiastically joining in. BeBe was fantastic at engaging with the pupils by telling short personal testimonies in between songs. Many of the staff felt this was going to be a tough act to follow for future assemblies.

Mr Budge head teacher at Hillhead primary in Wick praised the fantastic performance and said ‘that when the children were older and looked back on their primary school days, this would be a day that would stand out and would stay in their memories for a long time’.

BeBe’s Thurso concert on Thursday (15th Sept.) in St Peter’s & St Andrew’s church had an estimated 500 attend. It was a very passionate and professional performance that was enjoyed by both children and parents. BeBe was joined on stage by singer Chip Kendall and dancers Georgia Pennells and Lucy-Jayne Wells. Chip brought a message of having our ‘Hope anchored in Jesus’ towards the end of the concert and advertised the local Christian Sunday schools and youth clubs and groups in the area.

After the last song BeBe and Chip were mobbed by young autograph hunters for about 45 minutes. They had to go outside the front of the church building to sign autographs due to the huge crowd around them. The Wick concert on Friday (16th of Sept.) in Pulteneytown Parish Church was another great night with over 400 in attendance.

See video below (may take time to load)
 BeBe Vox in Caithness 

BeBe and her team thoroughly enjoyed their week in Caithness and made many friends in the far north. It is hoped that she might make a return visit sometime next year. BeBe Vox works for Manchester based ‘Innervation Trust’, which works with schools all over the UK using popular music to present the Christian faith in a relevant way to young people.

They were passionate about the Lord, great fun to work with and very experienced with working in schools. As organisers we knew that she was a very good singer, but we and everyone who heard her perform were amazed at how good she actually was. This outreach has exceeded our expectations of building bridges in the community and sharing the Gospel. As organisers we have now worked on various joint outreaches to the schools since the Luis Palau Festival in 2009. Working between the different churches helps to pull resources (people, finances, workload, prayer, etc) to enable bigger events to be attempted compared with what a single church could afford to do and makes for a great witness in the community.

 BeBe Vox in Caithness Slide Show 


Footnote from Kenny:
If there are any churches in around the Highlands that would like to reach out in their area with a similar schools week with BeBe, please feel free to contact me by email on I would love to help give any advice from the lessons we have learned doing this and other similar outreaches in the past. I cannot speak highly enough of the professionalism of BeBe and her team.

Kenny Cormack, 21/09/2011

Article printed from at 14:41 on 16 July 2024