Rescued into True Freedom
The following article contains a recent letter from a Christian who was living a 'gay' lifestyle 40 years ago when he found the transforming power of Jesus Christ to change his life.
first published 19/09/11
Ed preamble:
There has been and continues to be much animated discussion about the issues of homosexuality in the context of Christian belief. Before moving onto a letter which constitutes the central part of this article it might be helpful to make a few points:
To say that one is a 'Christian' (in the true and biblical sense) is to say that God's word is accepted as sovereign and trumps all human reasoning and opinions
To say that one is a 'Christian' (in the true and biblical sense) is to agree to submit one's life (in terms of conduct and thinking) to the authority of God's word.
To say that one is a 'Christian' (in the true and biblical sense) is to endeavour, with God's help, to turn away from all that the Bible deems to be sinful behaviour (including any sexual relationships outside of faithful heterosexual marriage).
All (persons) have sinned and fall short of God's righteousness
There are many – including heterosexuals – who describe themselves as Christians who do not conform to the above points i.e. they delude themselves and masquerade as true believers.
Everyone is spiritual (whether or not they acknowledge it).
It is not only homosexuals who have been 'hurt' (by those outside of, and also from within the churches).
It is not only homosexuals who have to struggle (make war) against sinful desires.
Some Christian ministries have used inappropriate methods in response to those living homosexual lifestyles.
Sinful inclination is an issue that every true Christian has to deal with. When the inclination is repeatedly allowed to govern behaviour then there is a problem (in the sight of God, and in the life of discipline within the church).
The following letter was written by a married man who is both a father and a grandfather. It was written in the early summer of this year to a local congregation who support him and his wife in their work in an Eastern European country. The name Paul is a psuedonym and the name of the church has been omitted; however the letter was published in the church's regular newsletter and using the writer's real name and that of his wife. The couple are both friends of the Editor and have been over a period of many years.
Dear Friends,
Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you at <name of local congregation> at this very difficult time. The Church of Scotland's move towards admitting practising homosexual ministers (we will not use the word 'gay' as our knowledge of the so called gay lifestyle is that in reality it is anything but gay) has been widely publicised in the <eastern European country's> media.
As elders in the Church of Scotland, and Church of Scotland commissioned missionaries, part of whose work in <eastern European country> is 'rescuing' young people caught up in this lifestyle, we wholeheartedly deplore this decision of compromise on an issue that is beyond compromise in the Bible. Indeed when the news of the decision reached us, I (Paul) was with a young man whom we “rescued? more than 4 years ago, who was thanking us from his heart for showing him the way to freedom.
What message does our commissioning denomination send to him and the 15 others we have snatched from such bondage in the 7 years we have been here? What does it say about our work and integrity, by making such a decision?
Rescuing people from this lifestyle, in a land where homosexuality is a huge problem, is not easy. But we praise God for the fruits of our prayers and your prayers for us, just as I am eternally grateful that God sent someone to rescue me (Paul) from that lifestyle 44 years ago. God's love and care is the answer for those caught up in this deception – not compromise.
We have poured out the love God has put into our hearts for these folk and have seen lives changed, as indeed my life was changed 40 years ago. Compromise will achieve nothing. For those trapped in this lifestyle only the transforming power of Christ?s love, prayer and encouragement will bring results – not tolerance and acceptance of something God has said is wrong.
Believe me, it is not a pretty or lovely lifestyle in any way – I have not forgotten – many long to escape but feel they cannot without God?s help.
Our prayers are for you and our denomination (which is sure to divide on this issue) and our earnest desire before God is that his will be done, his word adhered to and that his grace will prevail. We stand together with you in prayer and in spirit. “Your kingdom come, oh Lord, your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.”
Footnotes: One ministry which seeks to help those wishing to re-order their behaviour is -
True Freedom Trust.
A talk given by the TFT Director, Jonathan Berry can be heard by <clicking here>.
In the recording Berry speaks honestly and openly of his life which in its earlier years included an active homosexual relationship.