Sound Doctrine for the Remnant

Two Christian men, now living at opposite ends of the UK, are operating a 'Christian library' resource offering teaching material in video and audio form on DVDs and CDs respectively. Their heart is to strengthen 'the Remnant' in the days in which we live.
first published 06/05/2011

CD - DVDIn a day in which we see some denominations crumbling, others moving fast into outright heresy and even apostasy and others absorbing false teaching and practices it is ever more vital for believers to have a firm grasp on the teachings of the Bible.

The ministry of Don and Dave is to offer teaching resources to the body of Christ at no direct cost. The Sound Doctrine for the Remant website states:
Over the past few months we have acquired DVD recordings of an exceptionally high standard of teaching that will strengthen us for these last days. We have updated our catalogue to include some of these, with a section on expositional preaching on some Books of the Bible.

The original objective of this service was to feed our local Churches with materials to help them grow in the Word. We approached over 120 leaders of various denominations; to date none have taken up this free offer!

It seems our Lord has a different plan, involving our Brothers and Sisters in the Lord, who are now working outside the ‘Church'. A contact system of networking has developed which has a life of its own, serving our brethren from disaffected ‘Churches' who have now formed House Groups. Just as prophesied, the falling away has started (2Thessalonians 2: 3) so we should not pray against it, having separated ourselves according to the scriptures. Revelation 18: 4 “Come out of her my people lest you share her sins”.

There will be a growing hunger for truth as the main denominations unite. Each one of us is in a position to feed that hunger now that we have access to some of the world's finest teachers/preachers via free DVDs which should be kept in circulation. This is your ministry as well as ours.

Card indexAn on-line catalogue is now available and audio files can be played online or downloaded for later listening via an MP3 player etc.

Requests for resources should be process through the site.
Contact David (living in the Western Isles) on:

Tel. 01851 870744
E-mail: mr.d.pitt(at sign)
1. This article does  not imply an endorsement by Christians Together web site of all of the resources in the catalogue. It is incumbent on every believer to exercise to 'test all things'.
2. Material is also available which comes from non-Christian sources dealing with subjects like the New Age, the Occult, etc.
3. The material is made available on the condition it is not reproduced for sale.
4. See also 'Study Bibles: danger handle with care' and Truth, error and deception.

Christians Together, 26/02/2014