Sexuality and Women Bishops - a Reform view

Reform is a grouping of churches and leaders within the Church of England who are seeking to maintain a Biblical response to sexuality and women in overseeing roles. A representative speaks to Christians Together.

Church splitTHE CHURCH worldwide is beset with the problem of homosexuality amongst its leadership and membership. And the Church of England no less. However the CofE and the Anglican community worldwide are also wrestling with the issue of women Bishops.

Reform is a grouping of Church of England leaders and congregations seeking to address these issues from a biblical standpoint. In  wide ranging interview which includes issues of double standards, church structures, property, oversight, evangelism and fellowship, Rev. Paul Dawson - the media officer for Reform speaks to Christians Together.

The issues have great relevance for the Church of Scotland particularly which is due to deliberate at it's May 2011 General Assembly on a 2-year study into sexuality. It seems that both sides want a clear decision and it may end up that many - on one side or another - will be required to consider their position.

Certainly within the Church of England and the Anglican Commune around the world there is a "should I stay or should I leave?" dichotomy. At the time of the interview clergy and laity have left the Church of England to join the Roman Catholic Church. This course of action does not hold much attraction for those in the evangelical wing of the C of E.

Listen now to this interview with Rev. Dawson or download it to listen to it on your own MP3 player.
The interview lasts 27 minutes.

Rev. Paul Dawson, 25/04/2011