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Christians Together

The Bible in One Year

2011 is the 400th anniversary of the Bible become available in the language of the common man and woman. As an encouragement to us all to 'take further hold' of the word of God, this Christians Together web site is offering a set of daily readings.


Soul foodAt the UK Coronation ceremony the Monarch is presented with a Bible, and the words:

“We present you with this Book, the most valuable thing this world affords. Here is wisdom. This is the Royal Law. These are the lively oracles of God.”

It’s such a wonderfully true quote, not just applicable to a king or queen, but to us all. Perhaps if we thought of reading the Bible more as “reading the most valuable thing this world affords” we would be more willing to sit and spend time reading it.

The 'Responses' section below will be updated daily (d.v.) in a manner which will progress through the whole of the Bible in one year.

Caveat: See also article: Study Bibles: danger, handle with care!

Instaverse is a piece of free software which, once installed, will produce 'pop-ups' of Bible verses on 'mouse-over' of any Bible reference.

Christians Together, 09/01/2011

Article printed from at 11:55 on 16 July 2024