Lighthouses of Prayer in Orkney

The Lighthouse of Prayer concept is an initiative of Pray for Scotland. Fiona Cowan sends a report of the fourteen prayer groups in the Orkney Isles.

by Fiona Cowan

Lighthouses of Prayer in Orkney

Orkney Lighthouse2

Board but not bored

Not the quite the Northern Lighthouse Board but certainly not the bored northern lighthouses either as 18 people met representing at least14 Lighhouses of Prayer which are still meeting in Orkney!

At the most recent meeting on Friday, 3 September, 2010 held in the St. Magnus Centre ((Kirkwall) It was good to hear news of the different groups who meet weekly, fortnightly or monthly – depending on their circumstances.

Just like lighthouses which flash at different frequencies on different islands, each group have their own way of spreading the light and now there is also their answer to the Pole Star lighthouse supply vessel as Willie Buchan’s mobile prayer lighthouse go on the road to bring encouragement to smaller groups.

It was good to hear feedback from the training day in Caithness and there was encouraging news of the new group in Stromness plus answers to prayer from the islands of Eday, Stronsay and Westray as lighthouses get back into the new season of prayer during the darker nights! It figures!

Orkney Lighthouse1

Footnote: Keep up to date via the Love Orkney pages on Facebook.

Fiona Cowan, 24/09/2010