Global Day of Prayer 2010: Pentecost Sunday

On Pentecost Sunday thousands of believers across the world will be meeting in various places to celebrate and pray for a fresh outpouring of His Spirit upon their nations.

First published 08/05/10

Ernie GibsonIt is reported that in 2009 hundreds of millions of Christians from 220 nations of the world united in prayer and to glorify the name of the Lord! There were 100 registered prayer events that took place across the British Isles.

Concerning another gathering of united, concerted prayer,
Ernie Gibson writes:

In Inverness we will be meeting at:

the CYC in Bank Street, Inverness
Sunday, 23 May, 2010
3.30pm to 4.30pm

to be part of this world wide event. This meeting is open to folks from all churches.

You are cordially invited!  OR You could organise your own event locally!

Please join us wherever you are - in your home, with your home group, in your church, in your community, or across your town and city In 2010 we want to see many churches & groups of churches take part across our nations.

Click on image below for short video
Day of Prayer2

The dates:
10 Days of prayer: 13 - 22 May
Global Day of Prayer: Pentecost Sunday 23 May
90 Days of blessing: 24 May - 21 Aug
• If you wish to find out more and invite others Watch the 2010 short video clip, or order the 2009 Information CD with prayer videos around the world.
• Register your event by giving us details & timings
• Download copies of the Prayer for the World (full or in part)
• Download copy of the 10 Day Prayer Guide 
• Register here to receive regular updates February-May 2010
• Register on the Prayer Forum website and so gain access to prayer events, conferences and initiatives that are taking place in your region.

Ernie Gibson, 14/05/2010