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Over 300 Caithness pupils at outreach concerts

Pupils from Wick and Thurso High Schools turned out in their hundreds to attend outreach concerts at which the bandwithnoname presented the Gospel and the Spirit of God touched the hearts of many young people at both locations.

report by
Kenny Cormack

Dear friends,

Wick and Thurso outreachI’d just like to thank you all for praying and for the practical support of the two outreach concerts with thebandwithnoname at Wick & Thurso high schools. These concerts were made possible due to the contacts made at the Luis Palau Highland Festival last June. Thanks for having the vision and heart to reach our young people with the Gospel. These were very special days of God’s favour.

The band had a great time when they attended classes in both schools and had the opportunity to share their faith and answer questions with over 140 pupils. The time that the band had in the school on the day of the concert was the best advertising possible. The lads were great fun and excellent communicators of the Gospel.

Great ambassadors for the Lord

Lead singer ChipK is an exceptionally gifted communicator and it’s easy to see why he often presents on radio and God TV. The band all got on so well with pupils and staff alike, they were great ambassadors for the Lord. This has helped to build a good relationship with the schools as they realise local Christians can help make a positive impact on pupils by bringing in good role models and encouraging moral and responsible lifestyles.

The band and technical support team were very professional in the way they went about their business and were a joy to work with. thebandwithnoname are certainly a top quality band, the photographer that came to the Thurso event thought they were one of the best bands that he’d heard in Caithness. Sadly this is the band’s last tour as they finish up in September after 10 years, but they will all move onto new projects for the Lord.

thebandwithnoname concerts in Thurso & Wick Feb 2010.

Over 300 attended

Over 300 pupils in total attended both concerts and they proved to be a very enthusiastic audience. If we included the adults (organisers, school staff, etc) at the concerts the number would have been closer to 400. For Caithness, these are huge numbers for a two night outreach. If we could have had the band for longer and got more personal contact with the pupils via the classrooms, I believe we would have had even more at the concerts.

I’m not sure how many responded outwardly at the Thurso concert (there were a reasonable number), but there must have been over 70 at the one in Wick. I can’t remember in my 20 years as a Christian in this county so many people of any age making a public stand for Christ at a single event. If you click on the link above to view the video highlights of the concerts you will see clips of ChipK sharing the Gospel.

"You could have heard a pin drop.."

When he asked for a response many teenagers stood up and streamed to the front, a few headed for the exit, others sat and watched. I wonder if that will prove to be for them a defining moment for their eternal destiny’s. Anyone who was there would not deny the presence of the Spirit of God in the hall at that moment. When they were prayed for at the front the hall you could have heard a pin drop.

We are well aware of the parable of the sower and the difficulties of following up teenagers, but we must have the faith to believe that the Holy Spirit is working and will continue to work in these young lives. I was challenged recently when reading Matthew 18:1-14, where the Lord says that even young children can have faith in him and we should do nothing to hinder or belittle it. He is not willing that any of these young lives should be lost. Please continue to pray for these teenagers and that they would attend the local Christian youth groups that were advertised on the night. Also pray for the youth workers who try to encourage and help them to grow spiritually.

Be encouraged, God has not given up on the far north of Scotland.
God Bless

Kenny Cormack

Kenny Cormack, 26/02/2010

Article printed from at 17:00 on 16 July 2024