DVD of interview with Jean Darnall

The vision that Jean Darnall feels God gave her back in the late 60s is known to many and dear to many hearts. Chris Hill, then an Anglican minister and now a highly regarded Bible teacher met Jean in 1970. Recently he renewed fellowship with her in America and recorded a 30 minute interview with her.

Click on the image to below to view a 3 minute excerpt from their meeting put together for you by Christians Together.

The full interview can be obtained on DVD from C & L Ministries.
 It is very suitable for watching with some friends.

See also the article carrying Jean Darnall's original prophecy.

Click on image below to play
Jean Darnall

You can listen also to a Christians Together interview with Chris Hill as he gives an incisive take on the last 40 years in the church and nation.

C & L Ministries, 19/02/2010