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Preacher tackles US President head on.

US President Barak Obama stands accused of reneging on his pledge not to supply government financial support for abortion. But one courageous preachers has said: ‘No, Mr. President'.
by Watchman 

Barak ObamaWith a new statement released on 6 November from the White House, President Barack Obama finally and officially gave his backing to a health care bill that offers massive abortion funding.

According to a report from LifeNews: ‘The legislation sets up abortion funding in two ways -- first, it sets up the public option. That is a government-run health care plan that will pay for abortions. Secondly, the bill gives members of the public affordability credits that can be used to pay for abortions.
‘Supporting a bill with massive abortion funding directly undercuts Obama's pledge in September to craft a health care bill that doesn't do so.’

However, there is a least one prominent preacher who has sent out a direct challenge to the move towards and support for a de facto ‘abortion on demand’ service funded by the US government.
John Piper in an unequivocable message brings a clarity of view which shames so much of what presently masquerades as Christian leadership.

Piper thunders: ‘No, Mr. President, killing our children is killing our children no matter how many times you call it a private family matter. You may say it is a private family matter over and over and over, and still they are dead. And we killed them. And you, would have it remain legal.’

Read the whole sermon: The Baby in My Womb Leaped for Joy.

Footnote: One abortion for every four live births
Abortion levels stand at about a quarter of the number of births in Scotland, which hit 57,781 in 2007. The overwhelming majority – 99.3 per cent – of abortions last year were carried out on NHS premises.

The abortion rate was highest among 16- to 19-year-olds (24.9 per 1,000) and 20- to 24-year-olds (24.5 per 1,000).

Ed footnote: If ever there was the notion that followers of Christ can place their trust in politicians and the political process to establish and maintain the statutes of God, or that there is such a thing as a 'Christian' nation then these matters bring a timely and salutary reminder of the folly of placing our ultimate hope in these things.

Watchman, 08/11/2009

Article printed from at 08:33 on 16 July 2024