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Paul Moore; whistleblower for God?

Paul Moore was the head of risk assessment for HBOS. When he challenged the company's recklessless policies he was sacked. In an interview with the BBC he reveals how his wife assured him of 'God's plan' and how he later felt prompted by God to publicly 'blow the whistle' and what was going on.

Paul MoorePRIOR to the final collapse in September 2007 of HBOS, the high street bank's executive with the job of risk assessment outlined to the company's board the extent to which the unwise lending policies were putting the company and the shareholders' investments at risk.

Subsequent to expressing his views he was threatened by one company individual who eyeballed him across the table: 'I'm warning you: don't make a f....g enemy out of me'. Moore was then grossly defamed by an 'independent' report prepared by the firm who worked for HBOS as auditors, and then summarily sacked.

On informing his wife, she responded: 'Don't worry Paul, it's all part of God's plan'. Some time later, when the collapse of the bank was being critically examined by a parliamentary Treasury Select Committee Paul felt that God prompted him to 'do it now' and supply details to the committee which were explosive. Subsequently, Sir Sir James Crosby who as head of HBOS from 2001 - 2006 had fired Moore, resigned as deputy chairman of the Financial Services Authority, the body tasked by the Government to oversee the operation of the financial sector.

Listen to the amazing story of how Moore's conscience, courage and integrity coupled with faith and prayer exposed the dark secrets of the HBOS operations are revealed in one employees remark: "We will never hit our sales and sell ethically". The interview which Moore gave to Michael Buerk on the BBC Radio 4 'Choice' programme revealed a corporate culture of greed, bulling, intimidation and ritual humiliation.
The interview is a testimony well worth listening to - right up to the last sentence.
(Available until 10/11/09)

The video below gives a short account, but doesn't cover Moore's faith to the same extent.

So do not be afraid of them. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.
What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs.
Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.  Matt 10:26-28

See also: The cost of Naked Greed

Christians Together, 03/11/2009

Article printed from at 13:27 on 16 July 2024