Harry Reid speaking on the Reformation

Dr. Harry Reid speaking in Inverness as part of the 'summer season' at the Old High Church on his latest book 'Reformation: The Dangerous Birth of the Modern World.'

Harry ReidHarry Reid, former editor of the Herald newspaper, is the Guest Speaker at the Old High Church evening service on Sunday, 6 September 2009.
Marking the 500th Anniversary of John Calvin's birth, he has just published his latest book, 'Reformation: The Dangerous Birth of the Modern World', and he will be speaking about the continuing relevance of the Reformation in the modern world.

Dr. Reid was commissioned by the then Moderator of the Church of Scotland Rev. Dr. Andrew McLellan to give an 'outsiders' view on the ministry and workings of the Church of Scotland in 2001.

The resultant study, published in a book entitled 'Outside Verdict: An Old Church in a New Scotland', carried some very interesting observations. Some of these were fairly predicable (Who, within the Kirk can or will articulate its views?), some radical (Sell of all the manses and give ministers a housing allowance) and some, well, rather whacky (Ministers and elders should wear some sort of 'badge' in public in order to identify them as holding these positions within the national church).
Subsequent to undertaking the study Dr. Reid became a member of the Church of Scotland.

His other books include 'Deadline: The Story of the Scottish Press', 'Final Whistle? The Strange Death of Scottish Football'.

The service in the Old High is at 8.00pm and there will also be time for questions over a cup of tea.

More details from:
Rev Peter W Nimmo
Old High St Stephen's
T. 01463 250 802
W. www.oldhighststephens.com


Christians Together, 28/08/2009