Highland pastor's wife on the mend

(Rev. Dr.) Sheila McLaughlan who was taken unwell with a stroke on a trip to Germany is recovering well in a world-renowned Black Forest clinic.

 Sheila McLaughlanAlthough the news grapevine shifts down a gear during the summer holiday period many will have come to hear that well-known Inverness figure Rev. Dr. Sheila McLaughlan was taken ill some weeks ago as she and her husband Pastor Paul McLaughlan of Inverness Church of God travelled to Germany for a pastors' conference.

Sheila felt unwell when disembarking from the plane in Germany and her condition worsened during the night. The next day she was confused and disorientated and - in the event - had suffered a stroke.

Sheila has been receiving treatment in Germany since taking unwell and Paul has been with her constantly. Although her initial condition was not good, she has recently improved considerably. Her awareness and speech are improving, and although she still has difficulty putting sentences together, her son Billy McLaughlan (who leads a church in Beauly) reports that Sheila is able to pray (in tongues) and has no difficulty with words when singing hymns to God's praise.

Sheila is being treated in the highly-regarded Elzach Neuro Klinic in the Black Forest and if she continues to improve at recent rates the family will be considering how best to get her back to her home in Inverness. She is in good spirits and gives the doctors an encouraging prognosis regarding her condition.

It would take a longer article that this one to list all of the ministries and activities with which Sheila is and has been involved, but one of her most recent Involvements has been in the field of local and national politics as a candidate in both Scottish and local government elections.

Please pray for Sheila, Paul and the family.

Christians Together, 13/08/2009