Chit Chat Women's Event

by Tracey Paterson


Chit Chat Women's Event
Culduthel Christian Centre
Culduthel Avenue, Inverness
Monday, 11 May, 2009


Susan Appleby
will be coming along to talk about the work of Wateraid in Madagascar & Traidcraft. There will also be a Traidcraft stall. Our charity of the month will, of course, be Wateraid. Refreshments served afterwards.

All women are welcome to attend this event whether they attend a church or not. This will be the last Chit Chat for the 2008-9 season.

Thanks for all those who supported the event! We are planning a 2009-10 season. Keep a look out on our website page at: for the upcoming new season information.


What is Chit Chat? An opportunity for women of the community to meet together, whether they attend church or not, enjoy each other's company, learn something new or be inspired!"

Tracey Paterson, 02/05/2009