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Christians Together

Luis Palau Association Highland Festival


LPA Festival logo



This is the 'starting point' for a new section of the Christians Together website dedicated to the forthcoming Highland Festival lead by Luis Palau and the Luis Palau Association.


It is the hope and intention that this will be a resource not only keep you up to date but also a place where you can report your news. 


Read the news; send in your news and help to build a -

Highland Festival Scrapbook and Photo Album


Luis preachingAs the planning and prayer proceeds and moves towards June, please do send in your news (with pictures if you have them) so that when it is all over we can have a Scrapbook and Photoalbum of how God worked in the summer of 2009 in the Scottish Highlands.


In order to get a feel for how God has led up to this point you can listen to an series of short interviews with Luis Palau, Andrew Palau and Randy Burtis which these men gave to Christians Together in October last year. And watch a short video of a meeting that was held with church leaders.


Luis at the PodiumAnd also pick up some pictures from another leaders meeting last month which was followed by a launch rally in Inverness.


Have a browse around, pick up some news and remember to send in YOUR news.


Most of all we need to pray; and shortly (d.v.) there will be section on this site to list all the prayer meetings. You can also pick up regular 'prayer point' updates here.


Every blessing as we look forward to what God will do amongst us.


Colin Wilson

Editor Christians Together



The Editor, 01/05/2009

Article printed from at 14:05 on 16 July 2024