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Beauty contestant gives 'wrong' answer on gay marriage

An American beauty contest front-runner is reported to have lost her chance to the title of Miss USA by giving a non-PC (i.e. ‘wrong’) answer to a question posed to her about gay marriage by a 'celebrity' blogger who was one of the judges in the competition.

In the UK, entering beauty competitions is probably not something that the average Christian girl would be inclined to do, but Miss USA contestant Carrie Prejean who is currently Miss California was put on the spot by a Perez Hilton who asked whether or not she believed in same-sex marriage.

This question is an extremely hot topic in American life and the high-profile competition and media attention gave Perez who was one of the judges, the opportunity – he thought – to make his point. Unfortunately for him, Ms. Prejean did not give him the answer he wanted.
  When asked the question Ms. Prejean replied:
"We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage. "I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman." She continued: "No offence to anybody out there, but that's how I was raised."

The remarks drew a mixture of booing and applause from the audience.

Hilton said he had been "floored" by Ms Prejean's answer, which, he said, "alienated millions of gay and lesbian Americans, their families and their supporters". In an outburst he has since called Prejean a calling Prejean a "stupid b***h" in a video tirade he aired on his blog.

He has told ABC News: "She lost it because of that question. She was definitely the front-runner before that."

Carrie PrejeanKeith Lewis, who runs the Miss California competition, released a statement condemning Ms Prejean's comments. "As co-director of the Miss California USA, I am personally saddened and hurt that Miss California believes marriage rights belong only to a man and a woman."

Meanwhile in one her first interviews after the show Prejeant stated: "I have no regrets about answering [judge Perez Hilton] honestly," also saying that she was against gay marriage becoming legal in California. "He asked me for my opinion and I gave it to him. I have nothing against gay people and I didn't mean to offend anyone in my answer."

Being 'tested by God'

In her interview, Prejean talks about being "tested" by God and also the outpouring of support she has had since. She continued: "It did cost me my crown. It is a very touchy subject and [Hilton] is a homosexual, and I see where he was coming from and I see the audience would've wanted me to be more politically correct. But I was raised in a way that you can never compromise your beliefs and your opinions for anything."

"I feel like I won," she said. "I feel like I'm the winner. I really do."

Although Prejean will not be representing the United States as Miss USA, she will have plenty to keep her busy upon her return to the area. In addition to her work with the disabled, the San Diego native also volunteers for El Cajon’s International Ministry Center—operated by Shadow Mountain Community Church—where she helps refugees learn English. She is an advocate for breast and ovarian cancer research and likes to promote healthy living.

Christians Together, 21/04/2009

Article printed from at 13:58 on 16 July 2024