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Christians Together

Car repair cost could rocket if the EU has its way

Car repairPending changes in EU laws could see car owners across the member nations and especially in rural areas facing rocketing costs for car repair.

Christians have an obligation under God to be good stewards of all that God gives to His children; and this includes finance. Yet a piece of European legislation which currently protects the right to have motor vehicles serviced by independent garages is due to disappear. This will force car owners to resort to the (large and expensive*) franchise garages for even the smallest problem. And the change will impact most heavily in an area like the Highlands and Islands - both upon small local garages and all those car owners who use their services.

The Right to Repair Campaign web site says:

The car service and repair industry is about to change forever. And change for the worse.

That’s because, at the moment, you have the right to service or repair your car wherever you wish. Youmight take it back to the manufacturer. Or maybe you prefer to take your vehicle to an independent repairer.

But, in 2010, when key European legislation is due to disappear, so will your freedom of choice.

Unless we work together now to stop this happening.

So, what’s it to you if independent car garages are about to be driven out of business?

Well, there’s the cost – to you, the vehicle owner – for starters.

Put simply, if the only place you’re able to service or repair your car is at amanufacturer dealership ormanufacturer approved franchise, prepare to be hit hard in the pocket.

In fact, research shows that you can expect your car service and repair costs to be double*.

The Right to Repair campaign invites concerned parties to sign and on-line petition and: "Even better, why not write to your local MP or MEP".  The address of your elected representatives can be obtained easily by clicking on the following link and entering your postcode.

Obtain a copy of a sample letter in both Word format and Adobe (PDF) format; and then -

Write to them

You can also sign an on-line petition by clicking here - Right to repair button


*Average hourly rate of independent care repairers is half that of franchised dealerships – SourceGIPA UK Ltd Operation Tate Trends March 2007


Footnote: Whilst responding to issues such as these inevitably involves supplying personal information (e.g. e-mail address), there is a right to "withdraw your consent to the collection, use and processing of your personal information at any time, effective for the future" by sending an e-mail to

Christians Together, 06/04/2009

Article printed from at 08:47 on 16 July 2024