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Christians Together

Managing the household budget


Money Stewardship




There can be very few households that have not been affected to one degree or another by the recent calamities in the financial sector. And it is good to be reminded of sources of help with family budgets.


Within the Christian community there are several organisations that have a ministry geared around helping with setting budgets and generally offering advice in financial stewardship.


The following links are signposts to some of the good resources that are "out there".




Care for the Family

Care for the Family Debt



Christians Against Poverty

Christians Against Poverty




Credit Action

Credit Action


Note: The Credit Action web site has a page of some very useful links.





The Money Revolution

The Money Revolution


A five-point plan with excellent downloadable resources




 Resources to help churches help those in their communities



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Red2Black is a brand new campaign to encourage and support your church tackle debt issues in your congregation and community.





Church leaders in West Yorkshire have come together to help people deal with the problem of debt during the recession and are encouraging churches to become centres of advice and practical support on the issue.

In a joint statement, 13 senior church leaders spoke of how increasing unemployment is causing financial hardship for more people. The statement condemned the actions of illegal loan sharks but praised the work of credit unions.

The statement also contained a promise to educate congregants “in debt advice and training in financial literacy, and to co-operate with other churches, agencies and community groups to ensure the best local provision of debt services”, reports the Baptist Times.

The statement was presented by the West Yorkshire Ecumenical Council (WYEC) last week on the first day of Lent. The statement was titled ‘Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors’.





Christians Together, 02/03/2009

Article printed from at 22:40 on 26 September 2024