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Christians Together
A season of prayer - Inverness meetings
In harmony with meetings to be held in both Birmingham and London, a day of prayer and (optionally) fasting for the nation is to held at -
YMCA/CYC, Bank Street, Inverness
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
7.00am - 16.00pm
The day has been chosen as to coincide with -
leaders early-morning prayer meeting - 7.00am - 8.00am
mid-day prayer meeting for the city and nation - 12.30pm - 1.30pm
mid-week church prayer meetings (typically 7.30pm - 9.00pm)
The venue for the day-time meetings is the
YMCA Bank Street, Inverness and the building will be available for prayer continuously
(come as you are able and leave when you must).
Over the years...
In 1989 Intercessors for Britain called a Day of Prayer and Repentance and the YMCA building was used as venue for sessions in the morning (led by Capt. Stephen Anderson) and the evening (led by Rev. Sandy Shaw).
Following on from the above, prayer meetings have been held continuously in the YMCA. First of all for several years on Saturday mornings (7.00 - 8.00am and 11.00 - noon) and then moving to Wednesday lunchtimes.
Meanwhile in 1992, and following the Mission Scotland conducted by the Billy Graham Association, a group of leaders has met for early morning prayer on Wednesdays from 7.00am - 8.00am. For the first few years these meetings were held monthly, but since the mid-90s this was later changed to weekly gatherings.
Christians Together, 20/02/2009
Article printed from at 07:42 on 13 January 2025