Brian Irvine speaks at Men's meeting in Elgin 

by Neil Sutherland

Brian Irvine with OM teamJPG
Brian Irvine in a kickabout with American youngsters


Elgin High ChurchMORE than 50 men attended the men's meeting at Elgin High Church on Thursday, January 15, when former Scottish International footballer, Brian Irvine, was the guest speaker.


Brian, of course, is well-known in the area, and he spoke about his football career, but he also made it very clear where he stood in regards to his faith, giving a wonderful testimony.


As a speaker, he has a God given gift of conveying his faith - and telling his life story - with great honesty, humility and a gentle (and at times self deprecating) humour, which endeared him greatly to the gathering.

During the question and answer session, he was asked some searching questions, and again he never flinched on where he stood on the Gospel.

We were greatly blessed to have Brian at the High, and Inverness and the Highlands are greatly privileged to have someone who has reached the top in their profession and yet can still bow the knee and acknowledge Jesus as Lord and not be afraid to declare Him as such.


Footnote: You can read Brian's testimony here.

Neil Sutherland, 21/01/2009