Galya Greig: an interview


Galya Greig spent four years working in Israel from 2004 - 2008. Her ministry was with Christian Friends of Israel.

She is originally from South Africa and has an Honours Degree in Jewish Studies from the University of Cape Town. Prior to going to Israel, Galya lived in Inverness for two years before taking up the work based in Jerusalem.

In January 2008 she moved to Washington D.C. to take up a position with Bill and Claudia Koenig of World Watch Daily. She has kindly agreed to send reports from America of her work in relation to the political scene there.

microphonePrior to moving to the USA Galya gave an interview to Christians Together when she spoke of her experiences in Israel, the situation facing Israel and the heart of the matter which is about God bringing glory to His name.


Note: To set the above interview in context, visit Why no peace in Israel? and also A Dangerous Ignorance.

The Israeli Airforce launched a major airstrike assault on Hamas military capabilities in Gaza on December 27, 2008. Operation Cast Lead was progressing at the time of the interview with Israeli Defence Force (IDF) ground troops having just entered Gaza.

Following a tour of Israel (Dec. 2008) Leo Rose and Tommie Mackay are due to give an illustrated presentation covering their experiences during their trip.

Christian Friends of Israel
are served in the Highlands and beyond by Elspeth Masson who is available to give talks on the work in Israel and amongst the Jewish people.

The Israeli Airforce launched a major airstrike assault on Hamas military capabilities in Gaza on December 27, 2008. was progressing at the time of the interview with Israeli Defence Force (IDF) ground troops having just entered Gaza.Following a tour of Israel (Dec. 2008) covering their experiences during their trip. are served in the Highlands and beyond by who is available to give talks on the work in Israel and amongst the Jewish people.



Christians Together, 06/01/2009