The Kirk on dangerous ground

C of S logoThe national Church of Scotland is moving in a direction which could bring the Kirk into direct conflict with God's purposes.

In terms of the international scene, the General Assemblies of 2007 and 2008 have seen motions which have carried an anti-Jewish spirit. The present moderator, Rev. David Lunan has most recently (January 2009) issued a press release concerning the current situation in Gaza/Israel which is replete with secular humanist thinking and shown little understanding of God's purposes in the Middle East.

The Church of Scotland Christmas card tells the story of where the Kirk's sympathies lie; and these would not appear to be with the Jewish people who are being subjected to continuing rocket attacks aimed at civilians by a terrorist organisation which aims to wipe Israel off the map.

C of S Christmas card
Church of Scotland Christmas Card 2008

Whilst the ordinary residents of Gaza are indeed suffering, the cause of that suffering relates to the fact that they are being deliberately used as pawns in a much bigger game; and the civilian population in the area are being placed as human shields in harm's way.

On the separate issue of human sexuality, the Kirk continues to prevaricate and speak with two minds on the subject of human sexuality which has seen the Church consistently failing to take a clear biblical stand on God's pattern for human behaviour and a healthy society.

Both of these are major issues for the world in which we live and are very likely part of the 'plumb line' of biblical fidelity which God may use in separating out the true from the false.

Christians Together, 05/01/2009