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Christians Together

Eilidh Clyne's Baptism

Eilidh Clynes Baptism"We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life."
Romans 6:4

Eilidh Clyne
was baptised as a believer in Jesus Christ in the River Ness (Inverness) on Sunday, 1 June, 2008. She was accompanied and supported by her family and Christian friends in her public profession of faith and in her obedience to God's word.
Eilidh's dad Iain Clyne (Highlands and Islands Youth for Christ) and Dave Saunders (Youth ministry at Inverness Methodist Church) officiated at the baptism.

Video Camera

Click on the picture below to see a short video of the baptismal service

Eilidh Clynes Baptism
Eilidh receiving prayer prior to her baptism

Eilidh's  Testimony

I was always brought up in a Christian family, but never really understood what it was all about. If there was a God, if there was a heaven and if there was a hell. My relationship with God and when I started to begin to understand more about Him all started when I was about 7. I went through this week of just crying my eyes out every single night. I knew God was affecting me, but I didn’t know how or why. I began to go along to youth events my Dad helped run. All I remember when I was growing up was going to these Christian events.
They really helped me with my relationship with God, and I understood Him a lot better.

Around that time was when Dave came up to Inverness. Since then, He has been there for me to talk to. He has helped me a lot to grow in my faith by showing so much passion for God. It must have been hard with all the questions he has had to put up with! Words could not express how much I have appreciated Him.

When I was about 11 I went along to yet another Christian weekend, Rock Solid, I didn’t know anyone and I was quite hesitant to go, but went anyway. This weekend was probably the first time I had felt God speak to me, and knew it was Him. The group was asked one night that if anybody wanted to let Jesus into their life they should come out to the front to receive a key. I was too scared, so I sneaked one out of the box when nobody was looking, said the prayer and started to cry and cry and cry. I felt amazing, that was when I first let God come into my life. From then on I wanted to know everything about God, I started having a lot of visions and experiences and receiving really relevant Bible verses that just blew me away, It was amazing.

About 2 years later I went on holiday with my family to Islay. To be honest, It was the most boring holiday I have ever been on. We were staying in a small farm cottage that was really close to a massive white sanded beach. At that time I was in a huge mood with my parents, I ran down to the beach in a rage. I started shouting at God and arguing with him, I could hear his voice so clearly. This went on for quite a long time until I was crying… again. I felt God force me down onto my knees and tell me a lot of things I needed to hear at that time.

About a year after that I felt God speaking telling me to get baptised, but many circumstances didn’t allow me to. My life started to go downhill. Although I hadn’t lost any faith or belief in God, I was distracted by lots of things that I had let control my life. When I look back on it I get so annoyed that I let myself get caught up with what people wanted me to be. I couldn’t be bothered reading the bible and I only prayed when I needed something from God, not to thank Him or praise Him. I hated how arrogant I was being. But again I just let it happen.

During that time I had been told by God through many people that the best way to grow in your relationship with God is to read the Bible and pray. And then gradually I decided to let God take control of my life. Recently, I have had amazing time learning more about God from places I’ve been, like First Contact, Revolution and Teen Ranch and people that have come into my life, not by chance, but because God is so amazing. I love God so much, and that is why I am here today.

Christians Together, 15/12/2008

Article printed from at 15:00 on 16 July 2024