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Parent jailed over issue with school

David and Tonia ParkerAn American father was jailed because of his stand against the school authorities in Massachusetts teaching that same-sex marriage is equivalent to heterosexual marriage.

The battle in America – but not just America – to legalise same-sex marriage continues. However a recent vote in the state of California overturned an earlier judicial ruling that same sex marriage is legal.

In a poll on 4 November, the Californian electorate voted in favour a Proposition 8 which effectively nullifies an earlier decision made by judges to overturn the state's ban and legalise same-sex marriage. The recent result re-affirms heterosexual marriage as the only legal form of marriage.

Had the vote failed (and the battle will no doubt continue) schools in America would have had a mandate and - it would no doubt be argued – a legal responsibility to teach school children that same-sex marriage is 'normal'  and has the same status and moral equivalence as heterosexual marriage.

One American parent who did not wish his children to be taught this view was hand-cuffed and put in prison cell as a result of standing for his parental rights in terms of what his children should be taught – all in the name of ‘Diversity’.

Whos in a familyDavid and Tonia Parker's 5-year-old sone came home from nursery school with a book entitled 'Who's in a Family?'. In the author's own words: "The whole purpose of the book was to get the subject [of same-sex parent households] out into the minds and the awareness of children before they are old enough to have been convinced that there's another way of looking at life."

In the face of this attempted state-sponsored indoctrination Mr. Parker states: "Parents need to stand their ground. If they intent to have a war over our parental rights, battling for the hearts, minds and souls of our children, then let it begin here."

Watch the short video of the experience of the Parker family, and ask yourself the question: “Could this happen here?”


'Diversity Training' is a programme being run across the whole spectrum of life situations - including work and school settings. In a multi-cultural society the stated aims are 'for the purpose of increasing participants' cultural awareness, knowledge, and skills'.
However Diversity Training is also being used to brow-beat and indoctrinate as in the case of firemen in Strathclyde who were forced to attend diversity classes because of their stand against participating in a gay parade. One of the Cowcaddens fire team was demoted from watch manager with a £5,000 salary cut.

Europe leading the way in liberalisation
Read what one American pundit writes concerning the power of judges to influence the standards and mores of a nation. The writer is also of the opinion, shared by an increasing number of his trans-atlantic colleagues, that European laws are now driving the liberal agenda.

Christians Together, 24/11/2008

Article printed from at 13:23 on 16 July 2024