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Christian Institute

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Friday, 4 July 2008
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England’s most senior judge has come under fire for suggesting that parts of Sharia law could have a role to play in the legal system.

A Scottish police force has said sorry for using an image of a puppy in an advert, after warnings that it could offend Muslims.

The Government accused faith schools of discriminating against poorer pupils in order to impress Britain’s “strident secularist lobby,” a new report claims.

A team of scientists has been granted permission to create embryos that are part pig, part human.

Family breakdown is driving teenagers into a “gang culture based on violence and drugs”, a leading police officer has warned.

Allowing bars and pubs to serve alcohol around the clock has largely failed to tackle late night violence, say police, councils and the NHS.

Smokers of high-strength cannabis, known as ’skunk’, are 18 times more likely to be psychotic according to new research.

Yours in Christ,



Colin Hart
The Christian Institute

Christian Institute, 05/07/2008

Article printed from at 13:38 on 16 July 2024