Over recent weeks and months members of the Christian community in the Highlands have increasingly been 'taking to the streets' to share their faith in Jesus Christ. Regular opportunities are given to Inverness shoppers to receive prayer for healing whilst the Street Pastors scheme is taking local believers into situations which allow them to express Christ's love for the lost and the message of a restored relationship with God through faith in Him.Over the Easter weekend Christian groups in Wick and Inverness took part in services of public witness. In Wick a walk was held through the streets of the town followed by an open air service: whilst in Invernes Christians stood in silent witness around a wooden cross at the intersection of High Street, Inglis Street and Eastgate whilst others offered Christian literature to passers by.
At the beginning of April, Christians in the Inverness area bore witness to their faith as people gathered at Eden Court to listen to arch-atheist Professor Richard Dawkins.
CT, 26/03/2008