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Christians Together
A 2008 update from Parliamentary Prayer team
Anne McIntyre and her growing team of intercessors have been praying for the Scottish Government since its inception. Anne and some of her colleagues were
part of the speaking team at a Storehouse conference
in the Inverness in the Spring of 2007; and Christians Together did a
short interview with her then.
Now, at the start of 2008, Anne looks back at the year past, and
gives some information and fresh insights into the intercessory scene and the issues facing the Government
; much to thank God for , but much to pray for.
Listen to this new January 2008 interview
to learn more about the issues and how to be involved with PPS as it takes these things before the Lord.
For more information on the work of Parliamentary Prayer Scotland go to the
PPS website.
Article printed from at 08:48 on 04 December 2024