Our children: Education or Indoctrination -

Video and Conference Programme

The video recording of the following conference
is available by clicking on the image below.
Logged in site members (whether having been part of the conference or not) are invited to leave any comments/questions/requests in the response section at the foot of the page.



Introductions and Brief Biblical basis for care and nurture of children
Speaker: Steve Beegoo Head of Education, Christian Concern

Session 1: Ideology and Sexuality (@17mins)
Speaker: Dr Lisa Nolland Chief Executive, Marriage Sex & Culture group

Session 2: State Education and Sexuality Issues (@45mins)
Speaker: Steve Beegoo

Session 3:
  Part 1: School Chaplaincy (@1h18m)
  Speaker: Dr Steve Younger (CVE Scotland)

 Part 2: Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood curriculum (@1h30m)
Speaker: Kirsty Moffat (CVE Scotland)

Session 4: Strategies (@1h46m)
Speaker: Cristo

Session 5: Issues outside of School (@1h58m)
Speaker: Kath McAllistair

Closing Remarks (@2h23m)

Conference organisers: Issachar Ministries and ChristiansTogether

Speaker bios (in speaking order) -

Steve Beegoo is the Head of Education at Christian Concern, he speaks nationally and internationally on issues related to education and Christianity. He is also the CEO of the Christian Schools Trust, a network of small, low cost, independent Christian schools. He was a headteacher for 8 years, a church pastor for 9 years, and has a wife and three daughters and lives near Oxford. In his spare time he loves a game of badminton!

Dr Lisa Nolland is a sex historian and the CEO of the Marriage, Sex and Culture Group, London (msc.support). Lisa has been tracking the pan sexual revolution for the past four decades, and is most concerned by the Woke targeting of the young, the loss of basic freedoms of speech and religion, and the unwillingness or inability of the church to engage where most needed. The MSC's upcoming conference, 'I'm gay': Where do we go from here? (London, 25th March, zoom tickets) addresses these important issues. 

Dr. Steve Younger is pastor of High Blantyre Baptist Church. He has 40 years of experience as a School Chaplain and is the Chaplaincy Project Co-ordinator for Christian Values in Education (Scotland). He also lectures at the Scottish Baptist College on Chaplaincy topics and on Pastoral Care.

Kirsty Moffat is a former secondary school teacher by training in religious, moral and philosophical studies. She and is CVE (Scotland) as head of the Relationship and Sexual Health and Parenthood Project.

Cristo has been involved in alternative provision, languages and RE teaching, chaplaincy and para-church ministry in secondary and primary schools. He has a degree in languages a PGCE and a MA in Translation Studies and has been working in education in some form since 2005. 

Kath McAllistair is a Safe Guarding Co-ordinator. She is a secondary school teacher and a wife and mother of three children.