When Jesus Returns

Every believing Christian holds the view that Jesus is to return. The 'when' is beyond question: only God knows. However the how and why attract a range of views.

Note from the Editor:

2nd comingThis article has been prompted by a discussion which developed on a different topic. The topic related to the conflicting exegitical systems of Dispensationalism and Covenant Theology. The hope was that throught the subsequent responses both of these theological positions would be rigorously examined.
In the event the discussion focussed down on a perennial contention about what has been called the Rapture (the prospect of an any-time removal of believers from the earth prior to a 1000-year reign of Christ on the earth). As a sub-topic the responses also focussed on the timing of the Rapture regarding whether it will be before, during or after what the Bible calls 'the Great Tribulation' also attracts differing views.

There is a multitude of books on the subject of the Rapture/Millennium. Unfortunately some are written up as novels, with Christians taking their beliefs on these psuedo-fictional writings. Others views are based on footnotes included in Bibles: again a practice laced with a great risk.

Anyone wishing to look further into the subject without ploughing through the mountain of literature could do much worse than to read (with Bible in hand also) a book entitled 'When Jesus Returns' which was written by international and respected Bible teacher David Pawson.

Rev. Pawson's approach when looking at most subjects is to examine and explain the differing views, while also concluding with his own personal view. This approach avoids the dogmatism which infects so many other writings wherein the author takes up a position and then writes a book justifying his/her view.

For a flavour of the subject and the contents of the book which is centred on the book of the Revelation, see this short video.

David Pawson

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Footnote: As the article on Dispensation/Covenant Theology carries the discussion on the subjects of the Rapture and the timing of same, there is no 'Response' facility attaching to this (the above) article.
David PawsonRev. David Pawson Following a theological degree David Pawson served as a RAF Chaplain and pastored several churches including the Millmead Centre in Guildford. In 1979, the Lord led him into an international ministry. He is now 84 years young, and is current itinerant ministry is predominantly to church leaders.

Over the years, he has written a large number of books, booklets, and daily reading notes. His extensive and very accessible overviews of the books of the Bible have been published and recorded in ‘Unlocking the Bible’. Millions of copies of his teachings have been distributed in more than 120 countries, providing a solid biblical foundation.

The Editor, 19/08/2013