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The Timing of the RaptureRev. Andrew Baguley
Survival Kit
Length:1 hour 17 minutes
This video is a talk delivered by Andrew Baguley in support of the Pre-tribulation position regarding the rapture of the saints. Opposite (post-tribulation) views have been given elsewhere on the ChristiansTogether website.
Rapture Timing Andrew Baguley 2-1.mp4Watch Download MP4 Video 322.4MB (1:17:14)
The Resurrection and the RaptureGeoff Barnard
Survival Kit
Length:1 hour 17 minutes
Geoff Barnard is seen here speaking to an online audience on Biblical passages which relate to the resurrection and post-tribulation rapture of the saints on Christ's return. Opposite (pre-tribulation) views have been given elsewhere on the ChristiansTogether website.
Geoff Barnard - Resurrection andRapture.mp4Watch Download MP4 Video 210.7MB (1:17:01)
Spiritual, socio-political and technological developments since 2020Rev. Dr. J.B. Hixson
Survival Kit
Length:1 hour 18 minutes
'JB' was speaking online to members of the UK-based ChristiansTogether ministry.
JB HixsonWatch Download MP4 Video 174.2MB (1:18:13)
Communicating Christ in a Counter CultureRev. Dr. Joseph Boot
Christians and Politics
Length:1 hour 22 minutes
Joe Boot of Ezra Institute speaking on the challenges of the challenging cultural backdrop of 2024 with regards the ongoing imperative of fulfilling the Great Commission.
Joe Boot 29-04-24Listen Download MP3 Audio 113.9MB (1:22:58)
Passover Seder - An illustrated presentationGeoff Barnard
Esther 4-14
Length:2 hours 5 minutes
And online PowerPoint presentation will be led by Geoff Barnard and based on a booklet produced by him entitled: 'The Fountain Seder: A Celebration of the Passover.'
Passover Seder: an illustrated presentationWatch Download MP4 Video 265.0MB (2:05:16)
The silence on excess deathsKatie Hopkins
Survival Kit
Length:1 minute
Hopkins calls out the media on the silence over the shocking lack of coverage on excess deaths following the Covid injection roll-out in 2021/22. Who is paying for your silence?
Katie Hopkins on excess deaths.mp3Listen Download MP3 Audio 2.1MB (01:31)
A Response Arthur O'Malley's addressA Scottish Workman
Christians and Politics
Length:3 minutes
A response from a Scottish steeplejack who had been sent a video of Pastor Arthur O'Malley speaking at the Holyrood Parliament building on April 1, 2024. The pastor had been invited to speak at a large rally to protest the newly-introduced Hate Speech legislation.
Response to Arthur O'MalleyListen Download MP3 Audio 4.2MB (03:04)
A Pathologist speaking about her journey to TruthDr. Clare Craig
Survival Kit
Length:15 minutes
Dr. Craig is a diagnostic pathologist set out on an investigative trail to find the truth about the Covid pandemic. In the event she came across of the source of all Truth.
Claire Craig.mp4Watch Download MP4 Video 179.6MB (15:00)
A View on Passion WeekDr. Richard Booker
Christian Life
Length:1 hour 16 minutes
Dr. Booker speaks to an audience and responds to questions on his talk on the chronology of Passion Week. He endeavours to study the Bible from a Hebrew perspective and is of the view that, contrary to the teaching of the church, that Jesus was crucified on a Wednesday at the same time as the Passover lambs were being killed.
Richard Booker on Passion WeekListen Download MP3 Audio 104.8MB (1:16:20)
Covid Injection DangerProfessor Ian Brighthope
Survival Kit
Length:1 minute
Professor Brighthope comprehensively summarises the devastating effects of the Covid injections around a range of organs right around the body.
Professor Ian BrighthopeWatch Download MP4 Video 17.8MB (01:11)
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