About us 

Editorial policies

(see also Site Ethos)


Site Material


In keeping with this web site's aim to be a resource to the Christian churches, every effort is made to accommodate items of relevant news and suitable content - space permitting. The basis of belief is the Nicene Creed. All editorial rights reserved.

Responses to articles and discussions


See 'Article Response facility'. And all contributions from all sources should be in accordance with the Site Ethos. 



The Editor and those with whom he consults do not necessarily agree with all the material contained on the Christians Together website; nor (necessarily) endorse all the links contained therein.
Neither does an inclusion in the web site of news or information from any individual, church or organisation imply any endorsement or support.


'Equal Opportunities' Guarantee


EO picThis site is called Christians Together.
This will inevitably mean that Christians from a range of ecclesiastical and theological backgrounds – with widely differing views on this or that – will engage with, or at least be faced with topics on which there could be a range of deeply held opinions.

Accordingly, there may be material which is (at any one time) controversial and attracting varied responses. In this context
Christians Together is an 'Equal Opportunity' site: every site user should be able to find something, somewhere with which they can disagree.

However this in the belief that it is intrinsically more 'honest to God' to discuss and even (with respect and courtesy ) disagree with one another, than to pretend for the sake of a superficial and artificial unity that conscientious differences do not exist.

Christian believers are instructed by Scripture to examine what we hear (Acts 17:11) and to "test all things" under the guidance and instruction of the Holy Spirit (1 Thess 5:19 - 22).

All editorial rights reserved.

Footnote: See also 'Site Ethos' and 'Disagreeing with Grace'


NOTICE: - The 'Response' facility on most articles is restricted to CT site members. Site members should login here. Comments/questions from non-site members should be sent to the Editor by e-mail.

Christians Together in the Highlands and Islands > About us > Editorial Policy